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Learn more about us


Inspire Co is an Occupational Therapy service providing online support interventions to famillies with children aged 0-5 years.


Our sessions are designed to meet the unique needs of each child. We use evidence-based interventions to support children's social-emotional development as well as language and communication development.


​​​We use video's of everyday moments to empower you to help you little ones meet their developmental needs.


At Inspire Co, we understand the modern struggles that families face in our current world. There is an overwhelming need to support our children on a social and emotional level to promote children's development. That's why our founder, Melissa, with her 18 years of experience as an Occupational Therapist, is committed to offering innovative services for families who need support. Melissa's interventions focus on building connections and empowering families through small positive interactions in everyday activities. Melissa's mission is to inspire growth and empower families, helping them to overcome their challenges.​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Contact us today to learn more about how we can support you and your child!​​​​​​​​

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What do we do?

Inspire Co specializes in children's social-emotional development. We provide online support through tailored therapy sessions to meet unique needs of children.
Our mission is to inspire and support parents with achievable strategies to:
build connections, confidence, language and self-esteem in children.
Our strategies help to:
- Build connections
- Build confidence and self-esteem in children
- Support developmental phases
- Build on one's own strengths
- Foucusing on the family and child at the centre of the strategies
- Parents will learn how to support a child's developmet through everyday interaction moments
- Showing how to find opportunities for children;s development in everyday moments.
-Empowering parents with the knowledge 
individuals through our services.
In Marte Meo online sessions, my goal is to empower you with insights into your child’s behavior.
​This approach makes the sessions highly personal and focused, giving you the confidence to support your child’s emotional and social development in your day-to-day interactions.”

How do we deliver?

Our intervention is evidence-based, personalised and specifically designed for online service delivery


- We inspire and support parents with simple, achievable strategies.

- We provide specialized therapy services tailored to meet your child's needs.

- We offer online support (easily accessible from anywhere)

- We stay up-to-date with the latest research and best practices in our field.


At Inspire Co, we provide virtual support to meet the therapy needs of children and connect with parents who are struggling with aspects of their children's development. Our telehealth services provide specialized therapy tailored to meet the unique needs of each child and support their social-emotional and language development.

Social Emotional Development...

You've heard about it...Why is it so important?

Your child needs to learn to lead (have their own ideas) and also to be led (follow instructions). They also need to communicate their actions and their needs. Communication assisting in buidling friendships when a child can be in the playground and identify to their peers what game they're playing, what they're about to do and to invite others to join.

What about Language & Communication Development?

Just imagine what it would be like to not be able to express your needs?

Before we can talk, we need to learn what language is and we need to find ways to communicate. If we don't learn that, we find our our ways (sometimes unhelpful ways) to communicate. Children who find unhelpful ways to communicate feel misheard and often get in trouble when they find alternative ways to express their needs. At Inspire Co, we believe that communication is key. 

How are the techniques used by Inspire Co different?

This might blow your mind (or seem a little left of center) but stay with me here...

We DO NOT try to get your child to stop doing unwanted behaviours...
You say what??...

What we do is read the developmental message behind the behaviour and then support you to build on that developmental need, in turn reducing the unwanted behavious (Yes, we do believe kids come with an instruction book!! We just need to read it differently, then learn how to help them in their own way, using their own strengths.
We often view problems only as difficulties and overlook the possibility that lies within to learn new skills. Problems allow us to discover what skills we have not yet developed. Mastering problems creates opportunities that improve the quality of one’s life.

Why choose online?

Access, comfort and Flexibility

No matter where you are in Australia, our online therapy services are just a click away.


  • With our secure and convenient online sessions, location is no longer a barrier to accessing quality therapeutic care. 

  • Online Therapy fits into your schedule, whether you’re at home, at work, or even on the go.

  • Engage in sessions in a setting where you feel most comfortable.

  • Access to specialized therapy

  • Save on travel costs

  • Innovative ways of delivering services (such as our no appointment necessary option)

What is Marte Meo?

What is Marte Meo?Marte Meo is a method that contains concrete information about how to support development in everyday moments of interaction. With the help of video recordings of everyday interactions, Marte Meo helps people discover the opportunities to support developmental processes in everyday life.This makes the application of Marte Meo such a uniquely appropriate and practical tool for improving the quality of interactions in everyday life. All programmes can be used to change interactions and behavioural patterns in everyday life. Marte Meo is a video-based method for providing information about how to support development in daily interactions. It provides parents, relatives and professionals with detailed and practical information to support children, adolescents and adults through important developmental steps. This information is obtained from short video clips of their everyday interactions.

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